Hello, i'm Nina, a 37 years old photographer and Mum of 3.
I spent most of my childhood in France. I then came to Scotland when I was 22 for a summer, with some friends. Mainly to work and learn English and discover Edinburgh. I then met my husband Michael, whose office was across the street from the café I got a job at. We moved in together two months later and I never moved back to France!

We have three daughters Ada, who is 10, Colette, who is 6 and Nico is 2. Our fourth baby is due in December.
When I settled in Edinburgh we set up a bistro in our old neighbourhood and ran it for 10 years. I am now a photographer, although photography has always been a part of my life from very young. For me, it is a way of focusing on the good things, the little snippets in life, the beautiful moments I share with my family. I make a point to print my family photos so there is an analogue feel and touchable object. I think it is very important to be reminded in our fast paced society to take time, appreciate what we have. Photography helps me focus. As well as my photography I have just published a cookery book for children available at the moment just in France.
One of the reasons I love wool so much is because I moved to Scotland!

I have always been conscious of fabric and always preferred natural, good quality items. It amazes me that people would buy acrylic fast fashion when you can buy second hand wool for the same price.
We didn’t have central heating in our Edinburgh flat, and we always layered up our merino to keep warm. Then we moved to the countryside 4 years ago and we only have an open fire in the living room. The house can get very cold so now we wear wool inside and outside, for comfort, warm and also necessity!

My number one priority when buying for the kids is that it is durable, comfortable and wearable. I like the girls to be able to play, move, get dirty, make holes, be kids…
Whether it is clothes or toys, it has to be of good quality to be passed on. My mum was already shopping that way and I inherited some of our clothes from our childhood - I have three siblings. Some of these clothes have been worn by all my kids too and may even last the 4th! If I work out the price per wear that is always going to be better than some cheaper less quality clothing. The clothes I choose also have to wash well and be well made to be able to stay wearable for a long time. I absolutely don’t mind mending them to prolong the wear.
The girls are sharing one room, I categorised their toys and store most of it in the attic. I do a rotation and bring a box down at a time, for example the wooden train track, the marble run, the dolls. When I buy something new, I try to be conscious that it can be used by all of them. Open ended toys are amazing in that way.
They have a large bookshelf under Ada’s bed and I try to rotate them too. Although I find it hard because I love kids books and they read in both French and English. Whenever we go to visit my family I bring a lot of books back with us. There is always an overflow.

My best tips for wearing wool is to dress in layers. It won’t make you sweaty and if you are a little too hot you can peel one layer like an onion.
The girls wear a vest (called second skin in France) in merino, a shirt or t-shirt and jumper. To go outside a wool fleece from SISKIN or Engel and rain jacket from Fairchild. It makes it a lot easier when in and out a lot to keep at the right temperature.
I often meet people who are scared of caring for wool but we wash our wool in the machine on a very low spin - as a fast spin heats the wool - and cold water. If there is a stain, I will spot clean it first with marseille soap.
I don’t like washing wool often so if it has been worn for a day but it isn’t dirty, I’ll pop it on the line to freshen and put it back in the cupboard. Garments will last for a long time if not over-washed.
There is so many brand I like from MamaOwl, I totally trust the selection for ethical and quality items.
Brands my kids wear most days are Engel, SISKIN, Disana, skinny ribs from Mabli, Collegien socks and tights, Misha & Puff, Fairechild… For toys, Ostheimer, Senger Naturwelt, Grapat, Polkadot Club
My all-time favourite purchase is the SISKIN merino wool fleece hooded jacket.
I couldn’t do without these Siskin items. I think they are the absolute best thing for kids. Unrestrictive, light and super warm. I have mended them a few times and they have years left in them. They are worn 8 months out of 12 in Scotland so they are super useful and much needed!
I also love the Disana boiled wool jackets for the same reason. I would want a Winter without them.
All Photos - Nina Davidson - @ninadavidson_